Carol Bove (below) is an artist I've not come across before but I love her work. I'm especially taken with the way that she elevated the old, broken and battered to the status of works of art. The net hanging at the left hand end of the gallery looks just like an ordinary fishing net that's been washed up on the beach but it is actually made from very fine silver chain. This chain is a common link in many of the pieces here, suspending a pale 'sand-dollar' and a delicate piece of driftwood, surrounding a portrait and a second net at the far end.

The Breath-taker is the breath-giver' is an installation of video projections by Bojan Sarcevic that must be driving the attendants insane. Nothing to do with the images, just having to stop each
visitor and warn them of the glass 'pavilions' that project into the darkened gallery space (left). I was particularly taken with the slowly rotating images and beautifully lit stills of the wooden box and sand that were accompanied by specially commissioned Turkish music. 'A poetic exploration of sculptural space' was the catalogue entry - a perfect description.

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