Omotesando Hills was a twinkling wonderland of reflections from the glitter-ball baubles suspended from the roof and the enormous Swarovski Christmas tree.
On either side of the stairwell below the tree were showcases featuring elaborately decorated cakes and images of the chefs who had created them.
My favourite outlet was a very elegant homewares shop that sold a delightful array of tableware and red, white and gold paper decorations like the one at the bottom left of this picture which I was very tempted to add to my own Christmas tree.
I was already finding 'Christmas' in Japan a slightly strange experience when I came across this window display featuring a neon skull and cross bones surrounded by a Christmas wreath - definitely very peculiar.
Harajuku Dori and Takeshita Dori are the heart of Tokyo's youth culture district. According to one of the guide books; shops here sell a most extraordinary blend of goods r
eflecting the Japanese notion of "cute", "cool and American" and "rebellious British". In other words a strange mixture of Hello Kitty, hip-hop and the infamous British punk. As for the shoppers; well, any form of fancy dress goes.
On seeing the window display of dresses (above) Beverly Ayling-Smith commented that they were very 'Greyson Perry'.
Back on one of the more main streets we came across a large street stall selling one-off, handmade clothes from recycled materials.
On seeing the window display of dresses (above) Beverly Ayling-Smith commented that they were very 'Greyson Perry'.
They may have been sold under canvas but there was nothing cheap about these unique items, the dresses being about £400.
I'm not sure that the stocking neck tie would catch on in the UK but I loved the multi-layered dresses.
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